Sunday, April 17, 2011

Motivation Monday

MOTIVATION MONDAY – Organizing my Projects

I have so many  ideas and things swimming around in my head after the IGS Conference this weekend that I have decided to make a list to keep me motivated and on track.  The idea is to generate a monthly list of goals to make myself more accountable in the area of COMPLETING the actual projects.   I admit I am a bit of a perfectionist procrastinator, meaning I will keep putting things off until I can do them EXACTLY the way I want the first time.  I also have a bad habit of chasing ‘rabbit trails’ and getting side tracked away from my original goal.

Since it is only a few short weeks until May, I have decided to just start listing my various projects, then in the first week of May, I will start sorting the projects into a timeline, with dates and goals.

1.    “Helmsburg Church History 100 Year Anniversary 1915-2015: Publication,
2.    Early History of Jackson Township, Brown County, Indiana (before 1850): Publication
3.    Powerpoint Presentation for August Society Meeting: “”The Day John Dillinger Came to Bean Blossom”, ok, well, not really – but James Jake Jenkins did, and he shot my grandfather, Herb McDonald.’
4.    ‘Once a Hoosier’, and “Always a Hoosier’ submission for IGS Quarterly.
5.    Lineage papers for “Territorial Guard’, Society of Civil War Families, DAR,
6.    Revise society by-laws and standing rules to reflect Roberts Rules 9th edition
7.    Update society standing rules to reflect 21st century technology J
8.    Tales & Trails: Publication  - edit new edition for 175th County Anniversary.
9.    Transfer genealogy correspondence output from computer to archives surname files.
10.   Research ISG Grants (deadline 12/2011)
11.  Research article proposal for IGS Newsletters, and Quarterly
12.  Create FamilySearch wiki for society.

As crazy as it sounds, this is just the tip of the iceberg!

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