Saturday, January 28, 2012

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy - Week 3

Week #3 – Free Online Genealogy Tools

Week 3 – Free Online Genealogy Tools: Free online genealogy tools are like gifts from above. I have many FREE online favorites, but if I would have to pick just one, I would have to go with 
If you do not have Genealogy Software, then you can download a FREE version of Personal Ancestral File (PAF), I don't use PAF exclusively, but there are some reports that I prefer in PAF's format.
PAF is easy to use, and provides you with a good basic program in which to collect and store your genealogy data.  I usually advise beginners to start with PAF and get used to working with a genealogy program before sinking lots of money into a program you may or may not like.

As for other, FREE Online Genealogy Favorites, this week my personal  favorite is - I will post about my discoveries in another post, but let's just say it was a "Brick Wall Busting Moment"!!

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy by Amy Coffin is a series of weekly blogging prompts (one for each week of 2012) that invite genealogists and others to discuss resources in the genealogy community including websites, applications, libraries, archives, genealogical societies and more. You do not have to be a blogger to participate. If you do not have a genealogy blog, write down your thoughts on your computer, or simply record them on paper and keep them with your files.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy - Week 2

Week #2 – Paid Online Genealogy Tools

Week 2 – Paid Online Genealogy Tools: Which paid genealogy tool do you appreciate the most? What special features put it at the top of your list? How can it help others with their genealogy research?
In  the past I have subscribed to a number of genealogy sites and tools, but the one "paid tool" that I have consistently utilized is my subscription to 
While some may complain about the monthly fees or even paying annually; I split the difference and choose the quarterly payment option.  I can handle $50 every three months, for something I use almost everyday.  
For those that may be financially challenged there are abundant resources available at the sister site

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy by Amy Coffin is a series of weekly blogging prompts (one for each week of 2012) that invite genealogists and others to discuss resources in the genealogy community including websites, applications, libraries, archives, genealogical societies and more. You do not have to be a blogger to participate. If you do not have a genealogy blog, write down your thoughts on your computer, or simply record them on paper and keep them with your files.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy - Week 1

Week 1 – Blogs: Blogging is a great way for genealogists to share information with family members, potential cousins, researchers, and each other. 

My personal list of favorites is below, but the one for which I am most thankful is 

Geneablogger's Thomas MacEntee together with the creative genealogy genius of  WeTree's Amy Coffin, are the brains behind the 52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy blogging prompts.  Just the thing to kick our brains in gear and get bloggers blogging.

Speaking of Geneabloggers, Thomas MacEntee geneablogger's blogging guru, and will be in the Indianapolis area, at the Indiana History Center, February 18th for two classes

Looking forward to a Fabulous February 18th of genealogical mayhem :)



WOW! how can it be six months since I have posted?  Oh, well .... life happens!!
I promise do better this year, and I encourage you to send me hate mail if I fall down on the job.

Six months ago, I was gainfully unemployed, or maybe recreationally employed; but since last June, I have increased my participation in the family business and combined with my other obligations this blog was unfortunately neglected.

So, 2012 is a fresh start and a new year, join me as I bring you weekly contributions to 52 Weeks in Abundant Genealogy, as well as some other interesting information along the way.